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Dr Bliss Cavanagh has published a number of research articles, a thesis and three artist books exploring the benefits and design of multisensory environments.

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It's like another world: the perceived beneficial effects of an artistically designed multisensory environment

Changes in emotions and perceived stress following time spent in an artistically designed multisensory environment

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Receptive arts engagement for health: a holistic and transdisciplinary approach to designing a multisensory environment

The Ambience of Everything

The Artistically Designed Multisensory Environment

Artist Book

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A Multisensory Art Experience for Health & Wellbeing

Artist Book

Sensory Wellness

The Arts Health Entrepreneur

Artist Book

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Newcastle entrepreneur Dr Bliss Cavanagh to reveal her personal and sensory business journey at I2N's Start-up Stories

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Mental Health Innovation Challenge - Expert Panel

How Bliss runs a creative business while living with Tourette syndrome

How Bliss runs a creative business while living with Tourette syndrome

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